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ORNL computing staff members Hector Suarez (middle) and William Castillo (right) talk HPC at the Tapia Conference career fair in San Diego, California. Credit: ORNL, U.S. Dept of Energy

The National Center for Computational Sciences, located at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, made a strong showing at computing conferences this fall. Staff from across the center participated in numerous workshops and invited speaking engagements.

Pictured is the ORNL concrete sign in front of the ORNL campus

ORNL’s National Security Sciences Directorate partnered with the University of Tennessee’s Howard H. Baker Jr. School of Public Policy and Public Affairs to develop a graduate certificate in nuclear security that launched in the fall of 2024. 

Researcher in a blue coat and glasses, purple gloves and white baseball gat pulls out materials from a metal canister

ORNL researchers created and tested two methods for transforming coal into the scarce mineral graphite, which is used in batteries for electric vehicles. 

Three researchers are standing in the quantum computing lab at ORNL behind a big metal machine with multiple port hole looking windows attached.

Since their establishment in 2020, the five DOE National Quantum Information Science Research Centers have been expanding the frontier of what’s possible in quantum computing, communication, sensing and materials in ways that will advance basic science for energy, security, communication and logistics.

ORNL HPC engineer Elijah MacCarthy speaks, holding a microphone, during the 2022 FacultyHack event.

A research collaboration between the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and several partner institutions was honored with the Best Event Report award at the 2024 International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events. 

Pictured is a map that is color-coded into purple, black, orange, pink and yellow to depict building density and color based on morphology to predict height

Researchers are using machine learning to provide a more complete picture of building geometries that include building height to within three meters of accuracy. This model not only provides building height for any building in the world, but it will also feed into LandScan and other large government datasets for planning and response. 

Image is an arial view of the South Africa Cape surrounded by ocean

Scientists and land managers interested in accessing the first dataset of its kind on one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems in the world were given hands-on tutorials during a recent workshop by researchers supporting the ORNL Distributed Active Archive Center for Biogeochemical Dynamics.

FREDA logo with a blue background and neon blue lines coming from the bottom left, plus a circle in the middle filled with half science atom symbol and half gear

FREDA is a new tool being developed at ORNL that will accelerate the design and testing of next-generation fusion devices. It is the first tool of its kind to combine plasma and engineering modeling capabilities and utilize high performance computing resources.

Wide shot of the expo center, ground filled with people walking and a green, white and blue 3D circle sign above everyone in the center

The Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory had a major presence at this year’s International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC24). 

Photo of scientists Arka Daw in a suit with a blue and navy background
Arka Daw's interest in AI began during his undergraduate years and has led him to become a Distinguished Staff Fellow at ORNL, where his research focuses on improving the robustness, transparency, and security of AI systems for critical applications