Lisa A Fagan

Lisa A Fagan

Health & Safety Professional - Field Support

Lisa Fagan started at ORNL in environmental sciences as a student in 1995. She moved to Biosciences when that division was created. She received a bachelor’s in engineering /Biomedical Engineering and a master’s in Industrial engineering from University of Tennessee. She moved to the ESH position with Neutron Scattering Directorate in 2008 to work with the Neutron Scattering user safety program reviewing scattering experiments. She is the Biohazard subject matter expert and the biosafety officer for ORNL.  She is the point of contact for and a member of the ORNL Institutional Biosafety Committee.

A Fellow in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Research Undergraduate Laboratory Fellowship for two semester terms; From November 1998 through April 1999. (ORNL)

Professional Internship Program (Oak Ridge Institute for Science Education) at ORNL from 1997-2000.

DOT/ORO Advanced compliance training- 2009

Advanced Biosafety Training- ABSA 2013

Laser Safety Officer-NScD Directorate - LIA training

Calculus based Physics Award RSCC : 1997.

Certificate in Anaerobic media preparation ERULF Program; 1999

University of South Florida, OSHA 30 hour training- certified to teach 2012



M. S. Industrial Engineering Operational Safety and Excellence- Dec 2015 - University of Tennessee- Knoxville

B.S. Engineering Science/Biomedical Engineering - May 2000- University of Tennessee- Knoxville

A.S. Pre-engineering/Math May 1997- RSCC- Harriman, TN

American Biological Safety Association member , 2012-